Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Just what i need :)

So today i found out i'm going home tomorrow, as it's easter they wanted to get me home for the holidays. I had a good chat with the physio therapist, and she is keen for me build up my muscles, and has been on the phone to my local rehabilitation/physio team, to send someone out to my home to help me with an exercise regime, obviously nothing crazy just light work-outs to keep my leg muscles working, which should also theoretically help my lungs. Nothings confirmed yet but it's worth a shot and may be just what i need. I am going home on iv's and will be going back to clinic next Thursday. Really happy to be going home!!! 

I'm feeling quite positive actually, although i'm still getting more breathless than normal, i just have that feeling that everything's going to be okay.
I have such amazing supportive family and friends. Yesterday my sister Mandy, my very good friend Jodie, and our best mate Deano came up to see me, they always make an effort to come see me whilst i'm in and bring me goodies, and i'm really grateful to have them in my life, the 3 of them are all doing the 10k sponsored walk for CF Trust on April 29th, they all signed themselves up and i'm proud :) they all came to see my do the walk last year, but i am obviously too poorly to participate this year, so they felt the need to step up to the challenge instead. Love you Guys!!! If you wish to sponsor please go to 
Today my good old college friends Joane & Scott came up, and it really is was great to see them, I've known them for 4 years now can't believe how time flies, and i know they will always be by my side. It was lovely to see them, they even took me to McDonalds :) There visit was just what i needed, and reminded me not to shut people out. Love you guys!!
My mum is just the best, she comes up nearly every day when i'm in hospital, despite the hour drive each way, she rubs my back when i'm in uncomfortable, puts up with my mood swings when i take my anger out on her, does my iv's when i'm on them at home, takes me out when i'm bored, she's not just my mum, she's also my carer and best friend! Some times i wonder how she can stay so strong, but then everyone says i'm strong, so i guess i get it off her. My mum is my rock, and i really don't say it as much as i should, but i love you mum!!! My mum is also doing the sponsored walk :)
Anyway i'm just saying thanks to all my family and friends, the online support, the messages, and my all the feedback from this blog, i do feel so lucky to have the support and am feeling the love, you all keep me fighting and helping me get through..

Peace. \/

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